Monday, September 28, 2009

September 28, 2009

Well, to say the least it's been a hectic month. The beginning of the month found me still tired a LOT and spending time with my fellow pregnant ARMY wives and loving every minute of it :)

Mid September brought an eventful trip to CMU. While there I visited my sorority sisters and helped out with recruitment. I am proud to say that 13 girls jumped us and since then we have recruited 4 more girls. The Beta Theta chapter of ASA is doing wonderful things and I can't wait to see what the future holds for the most amazing women of poise and purpose that I know.

Since then I have been battling with headaches and a bad sinus infection that has had me either in bed or in the bathroom taking hot showers in an attempt to clear up this yuckiness. I have gone through well over 4 boxes of Kleenex and was quite sure that one person (well 1.5 people) could NOT produce this much phlegm.

This week holds a LOT of uncertainty and anticipation. I am again traveling to Michigan (by car this time) for my 10 year reunion. I will be spending time with my best friend and former roommate, staying a couple nights with my bestie Jessie (my date to the reunion), and a day with my in-laws. All that I'm REALLY excited for, but the reunion is where the uncertainty and anxiousness comes in. 10 years is a LONG time for some people, but others it doesn't seem that long ago. There are a LOT of things that I'm not really sure of, and I'm actually not looking forward to seeing a LOT of people that I graduated with, including my 3 best friends who I know will be there, all together.

I'll update you all on how that goes, but in all honesty I'm probably going to just say hello and turn the other cheek. I know that's not the Christian thing to do, but I don't think that God wants me to be FAKE either, cause that's not me. What IS me is to tell them how I REALLY feel about how we stopped talking and it wouldn't be very pretty. So instead I'm just going to wish them the best and move on.

I'm so happy with where my life has come and am not very sure that if the reunion would have been 3 years ago if I would have even gone. I didn't really have anything to be proud of at that point, but as of now, I have a child on the way the most amazing husband in the world and a college education (that I'm not using LOL). I am becoming a woman of God that I KNOW he would be proud of and just being myself, which is someone that I'm proud that I've become.

I love my life and could go on FOREVER about it, but this is for a later blog. As for now, I'm going to sign off with a promise of more blogging soon :)


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