Hey all, so here I am again - 9 months later, hoping to stick with it this time to give family and friends from far away a chance to keep up to date on Enoch's development and our last 2 years in the Army. Exactly 2 years from last Thursday is Nolan's Exit date from the Army and we are almost counting down to the days. As for where we're going after this ... We're not sure WHERE, but we know WHAT. In about a year I will start looking for a job in WA, IL, WI and MN because those are the states that have the educational program (BA and Master) that Nolan is looking for. I will work full time and he will go to school full time and work part time. While we're still here at Bragg, we're planning on getting all of his
req's out of the way so no matter WHERE we go he will be set when it comes to those. I am also looking to go back to school at some point, but I'm not sure what for so we're gonna leave that up in the air for now.
As most of you know I gave birth in February on the 11
th and daddy and Enoch were introduced on the 14
th (yes, V-Day) when he returned from the deployment. Below are some pics of through the months to update you guys on his grown and development :) ENJOY!

Homecoming (3 days old):

When Enoch was just a week and half old we went and got our first "professional" family photos. Interesting experience to say the lease

One month old:
St. Patricks day 2010 (1 month 1 week old): 
Two months old:

two and a half months old: Baby's first Easter with mommy, daddy, gamma Val, Jerry and Gandolf in Tennessee.
Three months old:
My first and favorite reason to celebrate Mother's Day as a mommy :) Today we met my parents halfway and had a picnic in Statesville, NC. GORGEOUS weather and it was a perfect first mother's day :)

Four months old:

Five months old:

Guilty as charged! I know I'm not supposed to suck on Emma's toes mommy - but they taste SO GOOD!
Five and a half months:

Six months old :) :) :)

At this point I am Army crawling (at a rapid pace), beginning to crawl on all 4's, have been sitting up on my own for over a month now, have one tooth and one that threatens to pop up on a daily basis, and at my last Dr.'s appointment I weighted 17 lbs, was 27 inches long and my head was 17 inches round. I am growing fast and am VERY smart for my age and I keep amazing mommy and daddy every day!
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